I love to interview and interact with the Orthodox Jews of Israel.
Here’s a story of a live interaction that happened after I submitted a blog post to the Root Source newsletter about the Prodigal Son–the story originally told by Jesus in Luke 15. My Israeli Orthodox Jewish friend, Gidon Ariel suggested that next time I visit Israel, let’s go on camera and read those passages together on camera and interact together.
So we did exactly that. I set up the camera, turned it on, and here is what happened! Gidon’s first idea was that we start at the beginning of Luke 15 with the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin. Gidon had never studied these three parables EVER in his life before this moment, and he gave me not advance warning of what he might say.
This is one of my favorite videos I ever published with Gidon.
A Jew hears a Prodigal Son Story for the first time
Many other interviews of Israeli Orthodox Jews may be found on Root Source and the Root Source channel on YouTube.