Understanding the
Orthodox Jews of Israel
As an entrepreneur, I worked with Israeli Jews for decades. But in 2014, I decided to walk alongside Israeli Orthodox Jews — if they would let me — helping them start companies. Standing on the walls of Jerusalem, I heard an Orthodox Jew share an amazing idea. As new friends, Gidon helped me befriend dozens of Orthodox Jews in Israel. Yes, I helped Gidon start a business, but my new friends helped me understand the heart of a Jew. That’s why I write on Israel.
Keep Up With Bob
Bob O’Dell’s Latest Book
Five Years with Orthodox Jews
How Connecting with God’s People Unlocks Understanding from God’s Word
Does the Old Testament feel difficult and harsh? That’s because we’re reading somebody else’s mail! The good news is God’s original recipients are still with us! Relationship with the Jewish people unlocks the meaning and beauty of God’s Word.
Discover forty Christian insights God gives those who befriend the people of Israel.
Latest Posts About Jews and Christians
Is your “Five Years” book a new movement of God? (Video)
This is one of my favorite interviews I did on the new book Five Years with Orthodox Jews. https://youtu.be/XkuGrBCloEo That footage was part of a Jerusalem Channel Television show hosted by Christine Darg of Exploits Ministry. The full 28 minute broadcast can be...
A Jew reacts “live” to the Prodigal Son story
I love to interview and interact with the Orthodox Jews of Israel. Here’s a story of a live interaction that happened after I submitted a blog post to the Root Source newsletter about the Prodigal Son--the story originally told by Jesus in Luke 15. My Israeli Orthodox...
Visiting the Places of Israel
In my five years of working with Orthodox Jews, I created a number of videos that show interesting locations in Israel. We called this series Root Source Tours. The Inn of the Good Samaritan is one of my more recent videos on that series. The ancient road from...
Other work
In my travels to Israel I have been honored to discuss many varied topics with Orthodox Jews. One such topic was whether the Jewish people had EVER celebrated the Jubilee in their entire history. Apparently the answer is “No!” which sparked the idea of the book Jubilee NOW! which I co-wrote with Orthodox Jew Gidon Ariel of Root Source. Another topic was the question of whether any Christians had ever compiled a complete list of the persecutions by Christians against Jews since the time of Christ. That sparked two others books that I co-authored: The LIST, and its companion 40-day prayer guide. These two books are connected to a new annual Christian conference and tour in Israel that I help found in 2019 called the Nations’ 9th of Av.
for Five Years with Orthodox Jews
Brad Young, PhD
A page-turner! A must-read! A riveting journey into a revolutionary new mindset!
Marvin Wilson, PhD
In this strikingly original read you will experience the awe of God, Israel and the Torah in a powerful new way.
Get in Touch With Bob O’Dell
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