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Five Years with Orthodox Jews

Five Years with Orthodox Jews

How Connecting with God's People Unlocks Understanding of God's Word

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About the Book

Does the Old Testament feel difficult and harsh? That’s because we’re reading somebody else’s mail! The good news is God’s original recipients are still with us! Relationship with the Jewish people unlocks the meaning and beauty of God’s Word.

Discover forty Christian insights God gives those who befriend the people of Israel.

Author: Bob O'Dell
Genre: Christianity and Judaism
Publisher: Root Source Press
Publication Year: 2020
ISBN: 9789657738207
List Price: 19.95, now 14.92
eBook Price: 6.99
“A page-turner! A must-read!” You will laugh, cry and maybe even repent. Five Years with Orthodox Jews will take you on a riveting journey into a revolutionary new mindset: that building relationship is far more important than winning the argument. When I first went to Israel more than forty years ago to study the roots of our faith with Jewish scholars, I quickly learned that the Christian world was not yet ready for the piercing challenge to the heart that this book humbly speaks. But the time for this book’s message has come. Hear, think, study, pray, and decide for yourself what you will do in response.
– Professor Emeritus in Judaic Christian Studies in Biblical Literature at The Graduate School of Theology, Oral Roberts University, and Bible Translator, Hebrew Heritage Bible Newer Testament
If you are a Christian interested in learning more about Israel and the Jewish people, “Five Years with Orthodox Jews” is the most important book - besides the Bible - for you to read this year. I am so grateful that God would raise up such a faithful friend to Israel, in our generation. I pray that every Christian would read Bob’s book to better understand the heart of a Jew, and in doing so, we could finally move past our bitter history and bring about our shared destiny articulated by the Prophet Zephaniah (3:9), “For then I will make the peoples pure of speech, so that they all invoke Hashem by name and serve Him with one Accord.”
– Rabbi Naphtali “Tuly” Weisz Founder of Israel365 and Publisher of The Israel Bible, Beit Shemesh, Israel
This work is a strikingly original read that provides, without acrimony, fresh insights on what Christians can learn from Jews and Jews from Christians. Candid, honest and personal, this work reads like a gripping adventure story, not a tedious textbook. Moving from discovery to discovery in the Bible, archaeology, history, economics, and Jewish life in Israel, the reader listens in on an inspiring and informative dialogue between friends. Yet ultimately this book reveals in surprising ways, the greatness and awesomeness of God. I pray this book creates an insatiable hunger within all Christians to eagerly explore their Jewish roots and to visit the land of Israel, ASAP.
– Professor Emeritus, Gordon College, Department of Biblical Studies, Author of Our Father Abraham and Exploring Our Hebraic Heritage
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